Infinitely More


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Pledge Total: $777,407 
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Infinitely More Update


It is our calling to become a place where kids from birth through high school will be welcomed, loved, and accepted. A place where they can discover their true identity in Christ! Not what the world wants them to be, but what God created them to be. A place where kids can become world changers, living out the purpose for which they were created.

God blesses faith. And it takes great faith from our church family to believe we can be the center of change for children, middle and high school students, and their families. 

I have this vision in my head of what can be! Can I share it with you? I see teenagers filling our student center during after-school and evening programs; a place to hang out with other students playing a variety of table games and sports like basketball, volleyball, and pickleball; the Community Room being used as a tutoring center where adults volunteer to help students succeed in their academics; the café open and staffed with adults providing a variety of food, snacks and beverages for students; I see programs with trained adults leading one-day opportunities like kayaking, paddle boarding, fishing, etc., using the opportunity to build friendships with students, encouraging and praying for them in their spiritual journey; I see weekend camping, and mountain climbing trips, and retreats designed to speak Kingdom Life into students, helping them become all that God designed them to be. Can you see why I get so excited for the future?

If you haven’t yet pledged to help us with Infinitely More, consider joining us with this vision to see Jesus build into students' lives, building the kingdom of God.

If you have already been giving to Infinitely More, I pray God will bless you, giving you a sense of affirmation for what we are about to see happen in our church. Let’s stay diligent in prayer and support for this movement of God that we know will change lives for eternity and shape our community.

As of this writing, just over $206,000 has been contributed thus far. We have been working with contractors to prepare for the facility work designated in Infinitely More for new roofing and HVAC systems that need to be upgraded as our older systems are failing. We are also in the process of forming a team for the nationwide search to hire a Student Ministry Director. We will continue to offer updates and information in our Infinitely More vision.

Bless you all, and I look forward to being with you all at our next worship service! I love you!!

Monte Ingersoll